
Wolfgang Köppe -

Artists from the Dübener Heide

It is now 20 years of restless artist began a completely new creative stage. During an experiment at that time in combinatorial chemistry Bitterfeld resulted in his friend Walter Koch Chemical results for the new color "Cekarol" resulted. Wolfgang Köppe encouraged his friend to try and further developed themselves finally be an absolutely new art direction. The painter at the usual brush accounted for by the use of Cekarol-Farben. With these colors, the picture surface using a specially developed his procedure coated. The picture is complete with all the color components in a rifle entered. Experts speak of these works of art of mathematics dynamic systems. All computer fractals created so.

The Wolfgang Köppe art direction has been developed under the name "Cekarol-Bilder" patented and Bitterfelder Fractale.


Part of a fractal -
Paintings showing
Color structuring

More fractals you see here.

In the course of recent years, the artist about 100 such works entirely new cast. Since the turn of the artists already led several international seminars with young art students about this and other topics.


©by Malerei & Plastik Wolfgang Köppe
Weichers Mühle - Ausbau 1
DE - 06774 Tornau
Fon.: 034243 - 50511
eMail: info@heidemaler-koeppe.de